Weed Management/Inspection

Plants are designated as weeds due to their invasive growth habit, lack of palatability to livestock and their ability to out compete agricultural crops. Many of the weeds that are of concern today started out in people's flower beds, escaped as ornamentals and due to their invasive nature and lack of native pests they became a problem.

The Weed Control Act was enacted in 1907 to prevent the spread of invasive plants. The Alberta Weed Control Act has recently changed to help prevent invasive ornamentals and weedy plants from establishing within the province. In the new act "Restricted" weeds have been renamed as "Prohibited Noxious". The old restricted weed list only contains seven weed species, but on the new Alberta Weed Control Regulation there are 46 weeds listed as Prohibited Noxious.

Prohibited Noxious weeds are generally not found in high numbers in Alberta, they are invasive and pose an economical threat and must be eradicated. Noxious weeds are not necessarily widespread but may be more abundant in some County's than others. Their spread needs to be controlled.

An Alberta Invasive Plant Identification Guide has been put together by Wheatland County and contains pictures and information on the weeds the appear on the new Act.

Weeds of Concern in Mountain View County

While all weeds in the Weed Control Regulation should be controlled some weeds are more common in this County. The following is a list of prohibited noxious and noxious weeds to be on the look out for in the County and if found should be eradicated or controlled. Please contact the Agricultural department at Mountain View County if you require assistance in weed identification or control.

Please click on the name of each weed to learn more about them, information provided by the Alberta Invasive Species Council:

Other weeds to be on the lookout for:

For more information on weed prevention please click the following link:

Click on the links below for information on the following topics

Invasive Species Resources

Invasive Plants Introduction and Impacts:

Conditioning Cattle to Eat Weeds, Range Health & Managed Grazing:

Regulated Weed Control Rebate Program for Range and Pasture Land

The County is offering a rebate incentive of 20% off the cost of approved range and pasture herbicides and biological agents to combat prohibited noxious and noxious species under the Act. This incentive program is applicable to private land holders, private lessees of public lands, and lessees of County owned property.

Agricultural staff has the discretion to approve or deny incentive applications to the limits of the approved budget set by the Mountain View County Agricultural Service Board. Agricultural staff will follow up and inspect the designated lands to ensure appropriate weed control has been achieved. Upon completion of field inspection and achievement of satisfactory results, on the targeted weed species, agricultural staff may authorize payment of 20% of the value of the appropriate herbicide used.

For more information refer to the Mountain View County Invasive Plant Management Programs Brochure.

Weed Inspection

The role of a weed inspector is to increase public awareness and involvement to help reduce the introduction and spread of weeds. As well to provide guidance and information to landowners regarding weed concerns, weed problems, invasive species, escaped ornamentals and their impacts on the environment. Hopefully with increased awareness there will be more willingness to prevent and control weeds within the community.

A weed inspector is hired and appointed by Mountain View County. As well an Agricultural Fieldman under the Agricultural Service Board Act is also a weed inspector under the Weed Control Act. Weed inspectors have the authority to enter private lands for inspection purposes. A weed inspector may issue a weed notice to remedy a weed problem if the landowner has not made adequate attempts to control weeds. However, when a weed inspector finds a weed classified under the Prohibited Noxious(restricted) category in the Weed Control Regulations a notice has to be issued under the legislation under the Weed Control Act.

To report a weed problem contact Agriculture Services at 403-335-3311 ext 184 or by email to ag@mvcounty.com All reported weed problems are kept confidential.

Seed Cleaning

There are three seed cleaning operations in the County:

  • Mountain View Seed Cleaning Plant (Carstairs)
    • 403-337-3155
  • Olds Seed Processing Plant
    • 403-556-6555
  • Gorday Mobile Cleaning
    • 403-994-0591

For more information about seed cleaning facilities; where to buy certified seed; production information; and more links; please click here.

Alberta Certified Weed Free Hay

The Certified Weed Free Hay program was re-launched in 2012, with changes to the program and more momentum to encourage the program's growth into new markets.

Mountain View County has participated in the Alberta Weed Free Hay certification program since the launch in 1998. Originally, the program was intended to supply our National and Provincial Parks with hay free of invasive weeds, or their propagative parts. As the threat of invasive weeds grows, along with the awareness of the impact they can have in nature or on the farm, the appeal of Weed Free Hay grows.

Hay must be inspected a maximum of ten days before the hay is cut. Each hay field must be visually inspected by certified personnel following the standard inspection procedures. A 12-foot perimeter buffer zone must be cut and harvested separately. The 12-foot buffer should be cut prior to inspector's arrival. The County offers Weed Free Hay inspections free of charge. If you are new to the program please contact the Agricultural Department well in advance. Once hay is certified a specified coloured twine can be supplied at cost and used to identify a weed free bale along with the certificate issued by the inspector.

Once your hay is certified, it can be listed on Alberta Agriculture's hay sales under the Weed Free Hay for Sale banner to encourage greater distribution.

For more information on the program or to participate please contact the County's Agricultural Department at 403-335-3311 ext 117.


Please note storage of any goods or materials related to an agricultural operation - such as equipment and hay stacks - must meet the minimum 15 metre setback from any property line.

Aquatic Invasive Species

There has been an increased awareness campaign on Aquatic invasive species and their potential impact on our streams, rivers or lakes ecosystems. Aquatic Invasive species can be transported by boats, angler’s gear, moving fish between water bodies or from not properly disposing live bait.

Aquatic invasive species can live up to 30 days outside of water. Inspect your boat, trailer, and equipment after each use and take these steps to properly clean, drain, and dry your boat.


• When exiting a water body, remove all plants, animals and mud at the access area or dock.
• At home, soak your gear in a two percent bleach solution for one minute (20 ml of bleach per litre of water).
• Rinse, scrub or pressure-wash your boat away from storm drains, ditches or waterways.


• Drain all water from bait buckets, coolers, livewells, bilges, ballasts, transom motors and internal compartments on land before leaving the waterbody.
• Never release live bait into a waterbody or transfer aquatic plants or animals from waterbody to another.
• Drain paddleboats by inverting or tilting the watercraft, opening compartments, and removing seats if necessary.


• Dry all gear completely between trips and allow the wet areas of your boat to air dry.
• Leave compartments open and sponge out standing water.

Information sourced from the Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resources website.

For an identification guide please click the following link to the Crown Managers Partnership guide to Aquatic invasive Species Threatening the Crown of the Continent.

For more information or to report something suspicious on your boat or equipment call Toll Free: 1-855-336-2628 (BOAT)