Roadside Vegetation Management

All right of ways and roadsides within Mountain View County are maintained by the County, all collector and chip sealed roads are cut twice, gravel roads once, totaling 7340.2km of grass are mowed annually. This program is used partially for weed control along road shoulders, however, mowing alone has proven not to be effective alone in controlling weeds.

The County has the responsibility to administer and enforce the Weed Control Act , prevent the spread of weeds, as well to protect agriculture lands from areas or disturbance or transportation corridors that generally have a greater potential for the invasion and establishment of weeds.

Herbicide is applied to roadsides for weed and brush control. This is done on a rotational basis, one third of the County is treated per year. Click to view the map of the Proposed Area to be Sprayed over the next three years, approximately covering 12,500 acres. Please note spot spraying for weeds can be done anywhere within the County throughout the season. Registered herbicides are applied of according to label directions. Brush control and grass mowing programs are done to improve road safety, such as sight lines, shading and ease for spotting wildlife.

All landowners are responsible for weed and grass control on their property. County ratepayers have the option of requesting that no herbicide be applied on road allowances adjacent to their property. A "No Spray Agreement" must be signed by the landowner agreeing to take full responsibility for weed and brush control in the portion of the road allowance that borders their property. This agreement is for five years and must be renewed every five years. County policy is to respect a no spray buffer of 30 Meters around shelterbelts, gardens and dwellings. Ratepayers who farm County ditches, either for grain or hay, must also sign an agreement with the County to prevent damage to their crop.

NOTICE: Please be advised Mountain View County’s Roadside Vegetation Management Program begins annually in May.

To view a copy of the No Spray Agreement or for more information, please contact the Agriculture Services department at 403-559-7007 or email