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County Council

County Council is responsible for the growth, direction and sustainability of Mountain View County. Council directs administration in the delivery of traffic enforcement, roads and public works maintenance, property assessments, agriculture services, land development, fire, police and emergency services, and recreational facilities. 

Values Statement

"Ethical; Open-minded; Transparent; Respectful."

- Adopted June 6, 2022

Vision Statement

"An engaged rural and agricultural community inspired by the unique and diverse qualities of our people and environment."

- Adopted June 6, 2022

Mission Statement

"Provide high quality services in support of a healthy, safe, and vibrant rural community."

- Adopted June 6, 2022

Strategic Plan

- Updated June 6, 2022

County Councillors

Bearberry, James River, McDougal Flats; Parts of Bergen and Eagle Hill/ Westward Ho

Angela Aalbers, Reeve

Office: 403-335-3311 ext 110; Cell: 403-507-1057


2023-24 Committee Appointments

  • Appeal Boards
    • Subdivision and Development Appeal Board (SDAB)
    • Agricultural Pest Appeal Board
    • Animal Control Appeal Committee
    • Topsoil Appeal Committee
    • Unsightly Property Abatement Committee
    • Weed Control Appeal Board
  • Aviation Advisory Committee
  • Central Rural Municipalities of Alberta (CRMA)
  • Fire Guardians (All Council)
  • Greenwood Neighbourhood Place
  • Inter-Governmental Communications Committee
  • Inter-Municipal Collaboration Committees (ICC) - Didsbury
  • Inter-Municipal Collaboration Committees (ICC) - Olds
  • Inter-Municipal Collaboration Committees (ICC) - Sundre
  • Inter-Municipal Collaboration Framework (ICF) - Chinooks Edge
  • Inter-Municipal Collaboration Framework (ICF) - Red Deer County
  • Inter-Municipal Collaboration Framework (ICF) - Rocky View County
  • Inter-Municipal Collaboration Framework (ICF) - Clearwater County
  • Municipal Area Partnership (MAP)
  • Municipal Emergency Advisory Committee (All Council)
  • Red Deer River Municipal Users Group (RDRMUG) - Alternate
  • Red Deer River Watershed Alliance (RDRWA) -Alternate
  • South McDougal Flats ASP Steering Committee
  • South Red Deer Regional Wastewater Commission
  • Sundre Community Wellness Advisory Committee
  • Sundre Hospital Steering Committee
  • Sundre Petroleum Operator’s Group (SPOG) Board of Directors - Alternate
  • Sundre Public Involvement Round Table (SPIRT)

Jackson, Wessex and Midway

Dwayne Fulton; Deputy Reeve 

Cell: 403-606-8925


2023-24 Committee Appointments

  • Audit Committee
  • Central Rural Municipalities of Alberta (CRMA)
  • Fire Guardians (All Council)
  • Grant Review Committee
  • Inter-Governmental Communications Committee
  • Inter-Municipal Collaboration Committees (ICC) - Carstairs
  • Inter-Municipal Collaboration Committees (ICC) - Cremona
  • Inter-Municipal Collaboration Committees (ICC) - Didsbury
  • Inter-Municipal Collaboration Framework (ICF) - MD of Bighorn
  • Inter-Municipal Collaboration Framework (ICF) - Rocky View County
  • Inter-Municipal Collaboration Framework (ICF) - Kneehill County
  • Library Boards - Carstairs
  • Mountain View Seniors Housing
  • Municipal Area Partnership
  • Municipal Emergency Advisory Committee (All Council)
  • Municipal Planning Commission (MPC)
  • Parkland Regional Library Board
  • Water Valley/Winchell Lake ASP Steering Committee

Water Valley/ Winchell Lake, Dogpound; Parts of Jackson, Fallentimber, Elkton/ Rugby and Westcott

Greg Harris

Cell: 403-586-6267 


2023-24 Committee Appointments

  • Appeal Boards
    • Agricultural Pest Appeal Board
    • Animal Control Appeal Committee
    • Topsoil Appeal Committee
    • Unsightly Property Abatement Committee
    • Weed Control Appeal Board
  • BearSmart Society Liason
  • Cremona & District Recreation Board
  • Cremona Community Engagement Site
  • Cremona FCSS
  • Fire Guardians (All Council)
  • Grant Review Committee
  • Inter-Governmental Communications Committee
  • Inter-Municipal Collaboration Committees (ICC) - Carstairs
  • Inter-Municipal Collaboration Committees (ICC) - Cremona
  • Inter-Municipal Collaboration Framework (ICF) - MD Bighorn
  • Library Boards - Cremona
  • Mountain View Seniors Housing
  • Municipal Emergency Advisory Committee (All Council)
  • South McDougal Flats ASP Steering Committee
  • South Red Deer Regional Wastewater Commission - Alternate
  • Sundre Public Involvement Road Table (SPIRT) - Alternate
  • Water Valley/Winchell Lake ASP Steering Committee

Lonepine, Rosebud; Parts of Westerdale, Westcott, Wessex and Midway

Alan Miller

Cell: 403-556-0551 


2023-24 Committee Appointments

  • Agricultural Service Board (ASB)
  • Audit Commitee
  • Aviation Advisory Committee
  • Fire Guardians (All Council)
  • Grant Review Committee
  • Inter-Municipal Collaboration Committees (ICC) - Carstairs
  • Inter-Municipal Collaboration Committees (ICC) - Didsbury
  • Inter-Municipal Collaboration Committees (ICC) - Sundre
  • Inter-Municipal Collaboration Framework (ICF) - Kneehill County
  • Didsbury Library Board
  • Mountain View Regional Waste Management Commission (MVRWMC) 
  • Municipal Area Partnership (MAP)
  • Municipal Emergency Advisory Committee (All Council)
  • Municipal Planning Commission (MPC)
  • Strings & Keys Contribution Committee
  • Water Valley/Winchell Lake ASP Steering Committee

Elkton/ Rugby, Westcott; Parts of Fallentimber, Bergen, Harmattan and Westerdale

Vacant Position

Phone: please contact Reeve Angela Aalbers in the interim 


2023-24 Committee Appointments

  • TBD

Eagle Hill/ Westward Ho, Hainstock; Parts of Harmattan and Westerdale

Peggy Johnson

Cell: 403-586-6273 


2023-24 Committee Appointments

  • Agriculture Service Board (ASB)
  • Fire Guardians (All Council)
  • Inter-Municipal Collaboration Committees (ICC) - Sundre
  • Inter-Municipal Collaboration Framework (ICF) - Clearwater County
  • Inter-Municipal Collaboration Framework (ICF) - Red Deer County
  • Municipal Emergency Advisory Committee (All Council)
  • Municipal Planning Commission (MPC)
  • Parkland Airshed Management Zone (PAMZ) - Alternate
  • Red Deer River Municipal User Group (RDRMUG) - Alternate
  • Red Deer River Watershed Alliance
  • Sundre Community Wellness Advisory Committee
  • Sundre Hospital Futures Committee 
  • Sundre Petroleum Operator’s Group (SPOG)
    • Community Affairs
    • Mutual Aid - Alternate
  • Westward Ho Campers Association

Netook, Reed Ranch; Parts of Hainstock, Westerdale, Rosebud and Lonepine

Jennifer Lutz

Cell: 403-556-6002 


2023-24 Committee Appointments

  • Agriculture Service Board (ASB)
  • Appeal Boards
    • Subdivision and Development Appeal Board (SDAB)
    • Agricultural Pest Appeal Board
    • Animal Control Appeal Committee
    • Topsoil Appeal Committee
    • Unsightly Property Abatement Committee
    • Weed Control Appeal Board
  • Audit Committee
  • Economic Development Action Committee
  • Fire Guardians (All Council)
  • Grant Review Committee
  • Inter-Municipal Collaboration Committee (ICC) - Olds
  • Inter-Municipal Collaboration Framework (ICF) - Rocky View County
  • Inter-Municipal Collaboration Framework (ICF) - Kneehill County
  • Inter-Municipal Collaboration Framework (ICF) - Red Deer County
  • Library Board - Olds
  • Mountain View Regional Waste Management Commission (MVRWMC) - Alternate
  • Municipal Emergency Advisory Committee (All Council)
  • Olds and Area Health Professionals Attraction and Retention Committee
  • Parkland Airshed Management Zone (PAMZ) 
  • Sundre Petroleum Operator's Group (SPOG)
    • Board of Directors - Alternate
    • Community Affairs - Alternate
    • Mutual Aid - Alternate